Making Dollars and Sense of Your Wedding Budget

Tiffany Munster of Soirée Weddings & Events shares with you great tips on managing your wedding budget. She takes you through the step-by-step process for your ideal one of a kind wedding.

A very special and loved Thank You to Brides, Bubbles and Bliss and Carasco Photography for making this a production on BBB TV!! 

With love by Alyssa.

Thank you Carasco!

How am I so lucky to always be receiving so many fabulous gifts?!  Perks of my job I guess – and that I know so many amazing people!  This little gem arrived to my door this week – amazing selection of Katherine Anne Confections…a gift from our friends at Carasco Photography!!

Carasco chocolates

Katherine Anne ConfectionsThank you! Thank you! Thank you!!

these will be enjoyed!!
